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Winter Entertaining! Hot Cocoa Bar Cart!


When the weather turns cold it shouldn't be a reason to stop casually entertaining! Trade in the backyard BBQ for a Bar Cart Hot Cocoa party as a sure way to warm up your guests and fill your house with joy!

I've found my kids LOVE and I mean LOVE anything that involves marshmallows and this year they've become an instant fan of hot cocoa simply for the fact that they get to add a few fun marshmallows to their cup!  And in this phase of life, I'm all about celebrating small moments of joy.

That said, a bar cart hot cocoa station is sure to please the adults and kids alike and makes an easy way to entertain without investing a ton of time in food prep! 

Hot Cocoa - Hot Chocolate Bar Cart

First make sure you have the critical items including the hot cocoa of course and determine if you're going to use paper cups or mugs you already have at home!  I'm not going to lie, finding disposable hot beverage paper cups without a crazy pattern all over them was a challenge so I took a trip up to my local coffee shop and asked if I could buy a few cups off them.  While a slightly odd request they were happy to fill the order for cheaper than it would have cost me to go out and buy a big pack of cups!  

Necessary Items

Hot chocolate Mix Hot Cocoa Bar Printable Chocolate Dipped Spoons Red & Black Buffalo Plaid Beverage Napkins

And of course don't forget the marshmallows!

 Mini Marshmallows | Hot Cocoa Bar 

The chocolate dipped spoons tend to be seasonal during the holidays, but if you can't those good old Hersey bar squares work the same way to add a touch of richness to your winter beverage treat!  

Once you have all the necessities for your hot cocoa bar, take a few minutes to pull together decor items you have around the house or out already for the holiday season, find a day that works for you, and invite some neighbors over and splurge on a delightful & fun hot cocoa bar that everyone will enjoy!  

Hot Cocoa Bar Cart | Winter Fun Ideas | Hot Chocolate Bar

If you happen to want a bar cart too, I found this one at Target last year and have been using it for beverage and food setup throughout the year when entertaining! 

I truly hope you enjoy the holiday season! 

Parties Made Simple.




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Nathalie - Press Print Party! - December 17, 2018

I so would love a bar cart… Don’t know where I’d put it though… Loved the plaid, it’s so cozy!

Beth - December 15, 2018

Reading this post and seeing how cute your hot cocoa bar has convinced me to go to Target to get a bar cart! Really cute!

Bri Adams - December 9, 2018

The plaid is such a great backdrop for the cocoa bar. I still haven’t gotten a bar cart because I don’t really know where I’d put it but every time I see something cute like this I wish I had one!

Susan - December 9, 2018

Hot cocoa bars are my favorite!!! They are seriously a must at my gatherings during the holidays

Holly Hulke - December 5, 2018

We just had our first cup of cocoa this weekend and it was so tasty! Love this cocoa station!

Carolina Villarreal - December 3, 2018

Ok! This is the cutest drink station for cocoa!! L:ove all the details!!

Lori - December 3, 2018

I looove a hot cocoa bar!! This one is so festive with all the buffalo check!! Really adorable!!

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