When you have a group of party enthusiasts as friends, you're traditional year end celebration can't be be filled with the same traditional colors & decorative details! So this year as we planned how to celebrate, Carolina from Mint Event Designs inspired us with her tradition to incorporate Pantone's Color of the year in the celebration! We loved the idea, this year's color, Living Coral is the perfect color for 2019 and with it's bright and optimistic tones it's perfect for parties too!

Carolina styled the party and wow did she do a fabulous job bringing together traditional New Year's detail with fun pops of coral color. What I love about this party is how it shows you can totally break the norm and still host a party that looks beautiful and elegant.

To really make an impact, she chose to use 36"Jumbo Coral latex balloons! Fun with their sparkly tassels attached they add a huge color impact and compliment the fun coral cocktails as well!
Party Tip: I know we've shared this in the past... but it's too true not to share again! Balloons make a huge decor impact on the lowest budget. Available in an array of shapes, sizes, and colors, buying the right balloons can totally pull your party theme together!

Whether you're planning a baby shower, birthday, or bridal shower in the new year coral offers a great color option for an uplifting celebration and can stand alone as the main color theme or an accent to fun metallics or other cheerful colors.

Hopefully this has inspired you to have some fun with Coral this year, or even just your favorite color! When it comes to party planning you can bring any vision to life with just a little bit of planning out how to coordinate the design details!
If you'd like more details about the specifics of this party you should check out Carolina's full blog post here!
And as far as those party friends I mentioned! They can be found here for lots of party inspiration and ideas!
Happy New Year! May your Parties continue to be Simple and full of Joy!
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